The Potential of Small and Narrow Rooms

Furnishing a small or narrow room can present a considerable challenge to many of us, but as mind-boggling as the task may seem, there are some tips and tricks that can come in handy! Planning is important – make sure you measure your space and strategically arrange the layout before purchasing or placing any furniture. Once that is done, consider these tricks to make the room look lighter and more spacious:

Creating Space

Lighting: Opt for wall sconces instead of floor and table lamps, they can light up the room without wasting valuable space. Some wall sconces can swivel, allowing light to access darker corners and giving you extra lighting flexibility. They are a convenient option, and many can be installed without having to worry about cables and wires!

Floors: Nothing makes a small space look cramped like bulky disproportionate furniture. Thin, elevated furniture that sits higher up off the floor allows you to make use of vertical space and create more room. Pieces with long tapered legs are a perfect option – which explains the popularity of mid-century modern furniture in urban cities where homes are smaller.

Storage: In narrow rooms, consider furniture with storage (for example, beds with storage, or an ottoman that can double as a chest). If drawer cabinets cannot fit in the room, consider hanging shelves – they make use of vertical space and can hold baskets to store your things. Bottom line: eliminate clutter to make the room feel tidy and spacious.

Choosing Shape and Color

Invisible furniture: When it is difficult to create more space, design tricks come in handy! The oldest trick in an interior designer's handbook is “invisible furniture.” Pieces made of glass or acrylic are an ideal way to trick the eye into seeing more space than there is. Trading a wooden coffee table in favor of a glass or acrylic one will make the room look larger.

Irregular rugs: Small rooms often demand us to choose creative pieces over traditional ones - rugs are a good example. Because traditionally shaped rugs frame a room, they draw direct attention to its shape and size. Using circular rugs or cowhide can decorate the floor without drawing attention to or contouring the narrow shape of the room.

Alternative pieces: Instead of using a traditional coffee table, play with small nesting tables, or an ottoman. These pieces will offer you a place to kick up your feet or set down a drink without taking up valuable space.

Organizing Layout

Walkways: Carving out a path to navigate through the space is important. To make a room comfortable and livable, ensure enough space between furniture to walk through easily. This might mean using smaller-scale furniture pieces.

Walls: Small spaces do not mean you need to line furniture against the wall. It is sometimes preferable to slightly pull furniture away from walls to create an illusion of abundance or to make use of wall space for storage. For example, placing bookshelves or a console table behind the sofa with lighting and accessories.

Zones: Divide long and narrow spaces into zones instead of designing one main area. Doing so will allow you to make use of the full space without creating bulk or awkward spots. You can use a bench or small sectional to effectively segment the room.

Small and narrow rooms can be difficult to furnish, but some tricks and proper planning can bring out their potential and turn them into beautiful and functional parts of your home!