Timeless Living Room Trends

Design trends change every year, it is evident from pieces exhibited in galleries, magazines, and on social media. Trends evolve with our changing needs, but as important as it is to keep up with trends to stay relevant, it can be difficult to constantly do so when we have different time and financial priorities. If you want to keep up with trends on a smaller scale instead of doing yearly home makeovers, here are some design elements that seem to withstand the test of time:

Sliding doors have popped up everywhere in the last few years, and for good reason! They are a space-saver - they open by sliding along walls and require no floor space. Their style is very versatile without compromising the aesthetics of a room. They are often fashioned out of reclaimed wood, but with their growing popularity, their style has evolved. They can be modern or vintage, made of wood, glass or any material you can think of. The question is, have they made the jump from trend to classic? Their popularity is bound to wane with time, but because of their practicality, they will never completely go out of favor.

Sectionals have come and gone repeatedly over the past century. On one side, they are very accommodating and can seat a large number of people, perfect for large homes. But on the other side, they are highly inconvenient because they are big and bulky, a risky and expensive move for small homes. Their popularity seems to come and go in waves. Chances are good sectionals will never really disappear, they might just hideout for a while.

Rug layering is a relatively new (but not completely original) trend in the decorating world. It consists of layering patterned or colored rugs over jute or sisal. It became popular with the bohemian trend but has become increasingly popular for rooms of all styles. It may not be for everyone, but it is an undeniably creative way of mixing different colors and textures, and can be particularly useful for open-concept spaces where areas need to be defined. Taking that into account, it unlikely this trend will disappear anytime soon.

Gallery walls have been hugely popular in the last decade and can be found in nearly every home in North America and Europe. For art enthusiasts, it is a wonderful way to display pieces without having to pick and choose. Gallery walls can be big, small, and can evolve over time as one's art collection grows. They are beloved by many and are likely to have a lasting impact in the world of decor.

Slipper chairs are upholstered chairs that lack arms and sit low to the ground. They came into style during the Victorian era when these high-back chairs were used to comfortably seat high-class women while they put on their shoes or slippers. Their clean lines and slim silhouettes have made them the chameleon of furniture. They are extremely versatile and have become popular for contemporary interiors and small spaces. Considering how long these pieces have been around, it is safe to say they have made a permanent mark for interior design.

Style and décor trends are always shifting and incredibly fun to follow. While some trends wane with time others last decades, and while some pieces disappear from repertoire others become iconic. We can do our best to evaluate which are worth following and holding in our homes, but the only real determining factor is time.