The Sanders Air Sofa by Ditre Italia

Ditre Italia is known as a longstanding expert in the upholstered furniture sector. Founded by the De Marchi brothers in 1976, Ditre Italia evolved from an artisan business in San Martino di Colle Umberto to the successful modern furniture company it is today. The brand follows four main principles to produce some of the finest furniture in Italy: unique designs, timeless elegance, tradition, and project-wear. Working in alignment with their principles has allowed them to astonish audiences with their collections year after year, their largest success being their living room collections. Among their most esteemed pieces is the "Sanders Air Sofa" created by the world-renowned designers Stefano Spessotto and Lorella Agnoletto. This pair of professionals have built a pristine reputation around detailed explanations of their designs, as well as counseling on furniture layouts and color schemes.

The "Sanders Air" is a frameless modular sofa that allows complete freedom of composition. It combines linear lines and sharp angles to form original and multi-faceted solutions suitable for private homes and public spaces. It is a highly versatile sofa in regard to color - two colors can be chosen for the same module and different colored modules can be put together - but it is also structurally versatile when it evolves into its "Air" version and elevates from the floor on an elegant metal base. These characteristics make it a perfect stylistic and structural addition to homes, offices, and hospitality-centric businesses such as hotels and restaurants.

Having a beautiful sofa is not enough on its own, it must also be displayed in a manner that bring out its full potential. Designers Spessotto and Agnoletto have offered four layout styles that best suit their "Sanders Air Sofa" for a multitude of different spaces.

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For cozy get-togethers at home, layout A is ideal with its two main bodies put together to form a corner alongside a seperate square base. The versatility and flexibility of layouts B and D are best for lounges and waiting areas in hospitality and retail spaces. Finally, layout C is mostly used for spacious formal settings, perfect for large living rooms at home.

A room comes together when all its elements work together in harmony, which makes color our next and final step. Color mood boards are useful tools when considering the color scheme of a room and Spessotto and Agnoletto have expertly offered the best color combinations for the proposed layouts and style of the "Sanders Air Sofa." Ditre Italia's "Mood Dark" board is the primary reference for this project, its colors include: Gray and Tobacco, Espresso, Espresso Low, Fire Wood, Concrete, Cloud, Chalk, Black Earth, Urban Gray, Urban Gray Low, Graphite, and Dark Night.

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Ditre Italia understands the principles involved in producing excellent furniture and creating beautiful homes. Designers Spessotto and Agnoletto have expertly mastered how to select unique pieces, design the right layout, and marry colors. If these basic principles are followed, any space can be transformed into a home. It may be challenging for individuals outside the furniture and design sector, but you can always refer back to these guidelines for a push in the right direction when you need it!